Business- "The business tht considers itself immune 2 the necessity of advertising sooner or later finds itself immune 2 business" Derby Brown .Therefore it is absolutely necessary for a business to advertise its products and this mind map illustrates how
by Chiedza Simon
1. A business can use IT systems for good communication
2. At senior level- if managers wants 2 raise awareness and listen to opinions. they can create a blog e.g twitter where people can follow the entity and post opinions and their owm views of the business
3. MARKETING : Needs 2 channel place where the orgamisation can post content and there4 build traffic, and for this the business can use technology such as youtube to publish its merchandise and products.
4. PUBLIC RELATIONS: wants to know and respond to what the public is saying about products and services and web 2.0 technologies like Amazon and Digg can help the entity have an idea of what needs to be improved and produce in terms of the needs and wants of the target market.
5. Sales and Human Resources Web2.0 technology brings significant benefits 2 e advertiser thtr limited in other media e.g interactivity customer can instantly purchase online if they so wish