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Industrialization by Mind Map: Industrialization

1. Steamboat

2. Railroads increased

2.1. Slave Labor built the railroads

3. American Dream

4. prices went up!

5. Change in how Businesses were ran

5.1. Unions

5.2. Business Friendly Climate

6. Poor were poor, and rich were rich

7. Textile loom

8. First Turnpike

8.1. By 1832, nearly 2400 miles of road connected most major cities

9. Covered Wagons

9.1. Conestoga Trail

10. Erie Canal

10.1. Increased waterway transportation

11. Inventions

11.1. Cotton Gin

11.2. Locomotives

11.3. Steel Plow

11.4. Mechanical Reaper

11.5. Telegraph

11.6. Transatlantic Cable

12. Regional Specialization

12.1. East

12.1.1. Industrial

12.2. South

12.2.1. Cotton and Slavery

12.3. West

12.3.1. The Nation's "Breadbasket"

13. Agriculture went down, and business went up