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Despicable by Mind Map: Despicable

1. Problems

1.1. Problem 1

1.2. Problem 2

1.3. Problem 3

2. Part of speech

2.1. Adj: despicable

2.2. Adv: despicably

2.3. N: despicability

3. Meaning

3.1. [dɪ'spɪkəbl] morally reprehensible; "would do something as despicable as murder" "ugly crimes" "the vile development of slavery appalled them" "a slimy little liar"

3.2. Point 3

4. Example

4.1. adj: I like the movie Despicable Me.

4.2. adv: You behaved despicably!

4.3. n: To desert your pet is despicability.