New Company Website

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New Company Website by Mind Map: New Company Website

1. Company history

2. About

2.1. Team introduction

2.2. Mission statement

3. Sitemap

3.1. Business

3.2. Different content link

4. Benefits

4.1. Better

4.2. Faster

4.3. Stronger

4.4. More intuitive

4.5. Great support

4.6. Cheaper

4.6.1. But very valuable!

4.7. FAQ

4.7.1. Why our product?

4.7.2. Guarantee?

4.7.3. Discounts?

4.7.4. How many users?

4.7.5. Cancelling account?

5. Landing pages

5.1. Business

5.2. Education

5.2.1. Stanford

5.3. Presentations

6. Pricing

6.1. Basic

6.2. Krassimir Chat's

6.3. Pro

6.4. Discounts

6.4.1. Education

6.4.2. NGOs

7. Homepage

7.1. Product video

7.2. SEO text

7.3. Features

7.3.1. Main feature #1

7.3.2. Main feature #2

7.3.3. Main feature #3

7.4. Interview customers for Testimonials

7.5. Create Marketing plan

7.6. Customer logos

7.7. Call to action Call to action Call to action Call to action Call to action Call to action Call to action Call to action Call to action Call to actionCall to action

8. Features

8.1. Templates vs Themes

9. Education