Cell Theory

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Cell Theory by Mind Map: Cell Theory

1. Schlieden observes plant cells under a microscope and infers living things are made of cells.

2. The first effort to discover cells was by the invention of the microscope which was made by improving lens-grinding techniques by Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

3. Robert Hooke used a microscope to observe cork cells where he saw bacteria and protozoa.

4. Matthias Jakob Schleiden looked at numerous plant samples. Schleiden was the first to recognize that all plants, and all the different parts of plants, are composed of cells.

5. Heodor Schwann came to similar conclusions with Schleiden while studying animal tissues. later published a book with the cell theory: All living things are made up of cells.

6. Rudolf Virchow extended the work of Schleiden and Schwann by proposing that all living cells must be made from pre-existing cells.

7. Louis Pasteur found that the cell theory was true.