How businesses can use web 2.0 tchnologies.

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How businesses can use web 2.0 tchnologies. by Mind Map: How businesses can use web 2.0 tchnologies.

1. Mashups and Widgets: Businesses could be able to merge certain products, to make 'super' products and services making it cheaper for customers.

2. Cloud computering: Businesses could provide better and quick access to use internet services

3. Blogs: Employees could provide ideas and opinions about how the business can better satisfy the employees needs.

4. Social networking sites: Social networking sites could being the business and it's customers or potential customers closer together. Businesses can advertise their products and services on these sites which would have a great effect as social networking is growing by the day and covers most average individuals.

5. Wikis:Wikis could be used in a way that people could share information about vital developments in a business products and services. Consumers could enhance the productions of certain goods and help impliment better and easier ways of using businesses products and services.

6. RSS: This web 2.0 technology could help customers access their favourite products and services in the businesses web site quickly. This will help satisfy your customer needs and wants efficiently