Echo and Narcissus

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Echo and Narcissus by Mind Map: Echo and Narcissus

1. Narcissus was admired by Ameinius who killed himself to show his devotion when he was sent a sword from Narcissus.

2. Out of revenge, the goddess of the hunt, Artemis, cursed Narcissus to fall in love that he could never fulfill.

3. When Narcissus came across his reflection at a river, he fell instantly in love. Later, out of morose, he killed himself with a dagger and his blood took the form of a white narcissus.

4. Echo distracted Hena while Zeus was having affairs with her talking

5. Hena doomed Echo to repeat the same words as the speaker as an act of spite for Zeus

6. Echo fell deeply in love with Narcissus, who rejected her when she threw herself at him. The remainder of her life she spent in caves and hills until only her voice was left.