Natural Hazards

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Natural Hazards by Mind Map: Natural Hazards

1. Causes

1.1. Sudden climate shifts

1.1.1. Caused by global warming and the evolution of the Earth

1.2. By a volcano

1.2.1. Caused by reactions within the volcano that makes it erupt

1.3. By a reaction

1.3.1. Caused by

2. Impacts

2.1. Can destroy many homes and millions of dollars for repairs

2.1.1. It also takes a lot of time to replace all the debree

2.2. Can cause a lot of catulties and deaths

2.2.1. Can effect families especially infants

3. Prevention

3.1. Get people to get prepared in a case of a earthquake

3.2. The community can help make bunkers in case of a tornado

3.3. They can set up alarms to alert the people to get prepared

4. Known case studies

4.1. Typhoon Haiyan

4.1.1. Many homes destroys,thousands of people killed

4.2. 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami

4.2.1. Unexpected tsunami during boxing day in 2004.

5. Definition

5.1. A natural hazard is a activity that is caused by mother nature.

5.1.1. Events happen naturally and is not artificial

6. Location

6.1. May happen where the country has a lot of rain

6.1.1. The Monsoon rain season

6.2. Most natural disasters happen near the equator

6.2.1. South East Asian part of the equator

7. Protection

7.1. Barriers to prevent tsunamis

7.1.1. If it doesn't block the tsunami it can stop the tsunami from reaching furthur

7.2. Earthquake sirens

7.2.1. It can help the people get away quickly