My Ideal Society

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My Ideal Society by Mind Map: My Ideal Society

1. Education

1.1. Private

1.1.1. better education

1.1.2. more convienent

1.1.3. more one-on-one

2. Transportation

2.1. Land and air

2.1.1. can get you anywhere

2.1.2. inexpensive

2.2. Air

2.2.1. fast

2.2.2. carry many people

3. Economy

3.1. Market

3.1.1. education

3.1.2. Energy

3.2. Effects

3.2.1. affects level of education

3.2.2. affects budget for energy

4. Energy

4.1. Solar Power

4.1.1. transportation

4.1.2. type of energy used to fuel cars

5. Government

5.1. Democracy

5.1.1. Provides more freedom

5.1.2. Distributes power more evenly