My Utopia

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My Utopia by Mind Map: My Utopia

1. Government

1.1. Monarchy

1.1.1. An example of a monarchy would be England's government.

1.1.2. I chose a monarchy as my Utopian government because it is quicker to resolve conflicts, make decisions, there is no need for elections, and the ruler has complete control.

1.2. Economy

1.2.1. A monarchy would affect the economy because the ruler would choose what beliefs, traditions, and customs would shape what the community produces.

1.2.2. If a ruler decides that the field workers should only work once a week as a custom to breaks, the economy would suffer because there would not be enough food for the community.

2. Econmy

2.1. Traditional

2.1.1. An example of a traditional economy would be the Inuit tribe in Canada.

2.1.2. I chose a traditional economy because goods are not wasted,, everyone gets their necessities, each person has a role, there is little competition for goods, and everyone has a say in the produce.

2.2. Education

2.2.1. The traditional economy would effect the education because the students would most likely have to work during growing and harvesting season.

2.2.2. For this, students may get less education than others throughout the world, but will meet their basic needs.,

3. Education

3.1. United States

3.1.1. The United States' education system allows homeschooling for those not able to get to school.

3.1.2. I chose the United States' education system because the students in the community may not be able to attend the local school. Their parents could teach them from home especially if they live in the country side.

3.2. Transportation

3.2.1. The education system would affect the transportation because there would be a greater need for transportation.

3.2.2. Even though most students are home schooled because they work on farms, the students that do attend the local school will need to be able to get there..

4. Transportation

4.1. Animal

4.1.1. Many nomads use animals for easy transportation.

4.1.2. I chose animal transportation because the community is based on agriculture, and animals are easy to use on a farm.

4.2. Economy

4.2.1. Transportation would affect the economy because after a disaster, transportation is the most important thing to get up and running.

4.2.2. Let's say a flood happens. Cars and other transportation types would be ruined. Animals could easily "run" again after the flood.

5. Energy Source

5.1. Solar

5.1.1. Solar is a renewable energy source that many people use around the globe.

5.1.2. I chose to use solar energy because it is renewable, clean,, and silent.

5.2. Everything

5.2.1. Solar energy would affect everything in the community because this works it way into everything.

5.2.2. The animals for the transportation would need to be kept warm with the electricity in the homes. The school would need to be lighted and have air and heat for the students. The economy is affected because the energy source is a product of trading. The monarchy is affected because the ruler could disagree with the amount of energy each house uses.