How To Organize Your Website Contents

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How To Organize Your Website Contents 作者: Mind Map: How To Organize Your Website Contents

1. Identify your niche

1.1. Focus on a specific need that people are after and identify also what traits characterize the people that have that specific need

1.2. Use the Google Keyword Tool to help you identify your niche

2. Organize your website components

2.1. Main website components

2.1.1. Homepage Clea, simple and organized without too much stuff

2.1.2. About page Tell a story about yourself, show a picture. Do not promote yourself.

2.1.3. Sitemap Simple and precise outline of the key areas of your website

2.2. Additional website components

2.2.1. Contact page Make it easy for people to contact you or find you on the web

2.2.2. Legal page Clearly disclose what your website is about, if you are working for a company and how you treat the information and data you collect

3. Showcase your value sections

3.1. Identify something unique and special that you can give out so that people will want to tell other people about it, and will want to come back for more

3.2. Categorize and display the value items you have in sections that are properly labelled inside the main areas of your website