Web 2.0 Technologies in Business

Web 2.0 Technologies in Business

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Web 2.0 Technologies in Business by Mind Map: Web 2.0 Technologies in Business

1. Communication

1.1. Employee - Employer communication improves

1.2. Interaction between different levels of management improves

1.3. Increased research, more efficient

2. Online Activities

2.1. Internet Banking

2.1.1. Increased Security

2.1.2. Increased Speed

2.1.3. User friendly

2.2. Online Trading

2.2.1. Distribution range increases

2.2.2. More business

2.3. Advertising

2.3.1. Cost effective

2.3.2. Increased target market

2.3.3. Effectiveness increases

3. Social Networking

3.1. Find employees via social network sites

3.1.1. Facebook

3.1.2. Twitter

3.2. Keeps employees up to date with events

4. RSS feeds(Really Simple Syndication)

4.1. Updates and distributes info

4.2. Delivers news feeds

4.3. Syndicates Web content to enable it to be viewed in a different format later

5. Advantages

5.1. Enables people to collaborate

5.2. Share information

5.3. Creates new online services