The Age of Anxiety

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The Age of Anxiety by Mind Map: The Age of Anxiety

1. First World War

1.1. death of a million soldiers

1.2. soldiers returning home

1.3. missing purpose

2. Crisis of Victorian values

2.1. interest for material things

2.2. authoritarian private morality

2.3. rejection of taboos

2.4. strict upbringing of children

2.5. crisis of Positivism

3. destruction of the old universe

3.1. Sigmund Freud 1900 The interpretation of dreams

3.1.1. power of the unconscious

3.1.2. irrational uncontrollable forces determining man's actions

3.1.3. the super-ego distorting man's behaviour

3.2. change in the relationships between parents and children

3.3. adjusted relationship between the sexes

3.4. analysis of dreams and free associations

3.5. Jung: collective unconscious - universal myths operating on a symbolical level

3.6. relativity in science

3.7. verbal experimentation

3.8. exploration of memory

3.9. rebellion against traditional perspective

3.10. revolution in tone, rhythm and harmony in music

4. time

4.1. Wiliiam James: our mind records every single experience as a continuous flow of ' the already ' into ' the not yet '

4.2. Henri Bergson: historical time vs psuchological time

4.3. Henri Bergson: aeffects of emotional relativity

5. new generation

5.1. wider and wider gap from the generation of the fathers

5.2. rootlessness and frustration

5.3. Francese

5.4. Tedesco

5.5. Italiano

6. new vision of man and religion

6.1. J. G. Frazer : anthropology studies undermining absolute religious truths and ethical systems

6.2. alternatives to Christianity and esoteric beliefs