Web 2.0 and Business

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Web 2.0 and Business by Mind Map: Web 2.0 and Business

1. Why???

1.1. Creativity

1.1.1. New node

1.2. Innovation

1.3. Extensive Knowledge

2. What?

2.1. Simple Progamming

2.2. Platform

2.2.1. Innovation

2.2.2. Speed

2.2.3. Simplicity

3. Economic

3.1. Effeciency and Flexibility

3.2. Imagination

3.3. Lengthened Competitive advantage

4. Various Examples

4.1. Wiki's

4.2. Mash-ups

4.3. Blogs

4.4. Taggings

4.5. Folksonomy

5. Enabling Technology

5.1. Reusable

5.2. Applications

5.3. High Value & Attractive Cost

5.4. Trusted Info

6. A Brain,U Trust

6.1. Difficult Decisions

6.2. Valuable Information

6.3. Specific Markets