Tech-era L2 writing: towards a new kind of process (By Paul Stapleton and Pavlina Radia)

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Tech-era L2 writing: towards a new kind of process (By Paul Stapleton and Pavlina Radia) by Mind Map: Tech-era L2 writing: towards a new kind of process (By Paul Stapleton and Pavlina Radia)

1. Collocation-level

1.1. online concordancers

1.2. google

1.3. Add-Ins

1.3.1. Check My Words Tutorials available! "Word Combination" "Word Neighbors"

1.3.2. Mark My Words

2. Word-level

2.1. word processors

2.2. pocket (online) translators

2.3. electronic thesauruses

3. Paragraph level

3.1. Online text analysers

3.1.1. average sentence length

3.1.2. lexical density lexical density of different levels/types of texts

4. Focus has shifted from product-oriented to process-oriented pedagogy

5. Content-level

5.1. Google

5.2. Specialized search engines

5.2.1. Google Scholar

5.2.2. Scopus

5.2.3. Web of Science

5.3. Wikipedia