Neo4j Improvments Missing / Pains

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Neo4j Improvments Missing / Pains by Mind Map: Neo4j Improvments Missing / Pains

1. Operational

2. Documentation

2.1. Data Modeling Examples

2.1.1. Quality

2.1.2. Order simple ones first, then complex

2.1.3. outdated?

2.2. Query Profiling?

2.2.1. in Progress viz manual

3. Guides / Website

3.1. Community / Bloggers

3.2. Partners

3.3. "Zero to Graph" guides

3.3.1. manual or website

3.4. "Market"place

4. DataModel

5. Drivers

6. Import

6.1. biggest problem on SO / Website

6.2. Clearer Documentation

6.3. Remove Outdated Tools

7. Export

8. Example Data

8.1. Raw Data

8.2. cross-version samples

9. Community Ecosystem

9.1. Map of Users

9.1.1. with links to twitter, github, etc.

9.1.2. language / stack

10. GraphGists

11. Cloud Hosting

11.1. Pivotal

11.2. Docker

11.3. Azure

12. Visualization

12.1. OSS Viz libraries

13. Communication

13.1. Public Roadmap

14. Users

14.1. Developers

14.1.1. alpha-geek

14.1.2. enterprise

14.2. Non-Developers / BA