Wild One

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Wild One by Mind Map: Wild One

1. Poor reputation of Outsourcers selling Cloud because of a history of "Cloudwashing"

2. How to make great first impressions

2.1. We have done our homework

2.1.1. Company

2.1.2. Department

2.1.3. Individual

2.2. We generally listen

2.3. We set expectations on how long it will take, and what the client will get out of the 'date'

2.4. We properly introduce ourselves...but keep it as short as necessary

2.4.1. The company

2.4.2. The person

2.5. We offer unique and valuable perspectives on the market for the customer

2.5.1. On the customer's unique domain E.g. one-day review of Canopy Consulting of Customer, e.g. Gasunie example E.g. ABN AMRO Case study

2.5.2. Canopy insights On Cloud Canopy Consulting Whitepapers e.g. "Waccy Graph" e.g. "ISV be Aware" e.g. "IT Governance for Cloud Computing" Digital Tranformation research, e.g. "what's keeping you from doing Digital Transformation"

2.5.3. On Canopy e.g. "we are the un-AWS (but happy to partner with them, if you would like us to")

2.5.4. On Canopy's specific offerings e.g. Canopy dynamic 3D: we make your Engineering organization more productive, keep your IP secure whilst lowering your IT Spend e.g. "we make Cloud "Enterprise-faehig"

2.6. We ask a handful (3) insightful questions

2.7. We have an open conversation to explore areas where a mutual cooperation between both client and Canopy makes sense

2.8. .....We will get a second date

3. Internal story

4. Which workloads to which clouds?

5. Canopy = The Cloud Company