Remediation reading

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Remediation reading by Mind Map: Remediation reading

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2. Ideas for my novel ...

3. Level 1,2 fiction, non fiction, science,social studies, consumer

4. Level 1,2 fiction, non fiction, science,social studies, consumer

5. 3rd grade

5.1. Bevan

5.1.1. daijsha farrington,marecia wright,micheal agu,areeb ahmed,david garcia,ahmed morrow

5.2. Krisko

5.3. Weissman

5.4. Henley

5.4.1. keri wright, kimberly ferebee, treshell richards,derrick wiley,kaiaishah mitchel,l kalya ramirez, jarquelle gerald, savaughn haderbeck,shayla johnson gabriell claycross, jekiyah lyons

5.5. Serrano

5.6. Minor

5.7. Weller

6. 4th Grade

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