Literatura catalana medieval

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Literatura catalana medieval by Mind Map: Literatura catalana medieval

1. Poesia

1.1. Els trobadors

1.1.1. Visit the MindMeister Academy to learn all the tricks and become a great mapper in no time!

1.2. s.XIV

1.2.1. Gilabert de Proixita i Jordi de san Jordi Visit the MindMeister Academy to learn all the tricks and become a great mapper in no time!

1.3. s.XV

1.3.1. Ausiàs March i Roís de Corella Visit the MindMeister Academy to learn all the tricks and become a great mapper in no time!

2. Prosa

2.1. Els orígens Cronicons

2.2. S.XIV

2.2.1. Les quatre grans cròniques medievals

2.2.2. Literatura religiosa i moralitzant Francesc Eiximenis, Anselm Turmeda i Bernat Metge

2.3. sXV

2.3.1. Jaume Roig i Isabel de Villena

2.3.2. Literatura cavalleresca Curial e Güelfa i Tirant lo Blanch

3. Context historicopolític. Societat estamental

3.1. Visit the MindMeister Academy to learn all the tricks and become a great mapper in no time!

3.2. Mind Map Training

3.2.1. Visit the MindMeister Academy to learn all the tricks and become a great mapper in no time!

3.3. Mind Map Training

3.3.1. Visit the MindMeister Academy to learn all the tricks and become a great mapper in no time!

3.3.2. Mind Map Training Visit the MindMeister Academy to learn all the tricks and become a great mapper in no time!

3.3.3. Mind Map Training Visit the MindMeister Academy to learn all the tricks and become a great mapper in no time! Mind Map Training Visit the MindMeister Academy to learn all the tricks and become a great mapper in no time!

3.4. Mind Map Training

3.4.1. Visit the MindMeister Academy to learn all the tricks and become a great mapper in no time!

3.4.2. Mind Map Training Visit the MindMeister Academy to learn all the tricks and become a great mapper in no time!

4. Teatre

4.1. Teatre religiós

4.1.1. El cant de la

4.1.2. El misteri d'Elx

4.2. Teatre profà