Thesis - Virtual World

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Thesis - Virtual World by Mind Map: Thesis - Virtual World

1. Output

1.1. User Emotion

1.2. User Performance

2. Enviroment

2.1. Substance Factor

2.1.1. Mechanism

2.1.2. Interface

2.1.3. Fantasy

2.1.4. Realism

2.1.5. Style

2.1.6. Structure

2.1.7. Anonymity

2.2. Abstract Factor

2.2.1. Presence Co-Presence Social Presence Spacial Presence Self-Presence

2.2.2. Immersion

2.2.3. Engagement

3. Activity

3.1. Action

3.2. Task

4. Device

4.1. PC

4.2. Mobile

5. Group

5.1. OutGroup

5.2. InGroup

6. Communication

6.1. Verbal

6.2. Nonverbal

7. User

7.1. Emotion

7.2. Motivation

7.3. Behavior

7.3.1. Self-Presentation

7.3.2. Self-Disclosure

8. Member

8.1. Type

8.1.1. Agent Intelligent

8.1.2. Avatar Similarity

8.1.3. Type Cue

8.2. Distinguish

8.2.1. Gender

8.2.2. Age

8.2.3. Race

8.2.4. VW Experience

8.3. Amount

8.4. Interaction

8.5. Main Characteristc

8.5.1. Face

8.5.2. Realsim

8.5.3. Style

8.5.4. Fantasy

9. Category

9.1. Serious

9.2. Fun

9.3. Socail

9.4. CVE

10. Interaction

10.1. With Agent

10.2. With Others