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Chapter 4 by Mind Map: Chapter 4

1. The Battle of Forces: 1776

1.1. Britain possessed the best army with artillery and experience, while Americans had shortage of money, no experience at all and no artillery.

1.2. Loyalist, rejected independence for the colonies. These were abused by Patriots (people who supported the war) and otherwise if lack of support, their lands were confiscated.

2. Battle of Long Island 1776.

2.1. Washington learned quickly of his abilities and victoriously won wars on Trenton and Princeton.

3. The Battle of Saratoga 1777

3.1. General Burgoyne's army was force to surrender, with the success of the battle the french army united with the Americans.

4. Clinton 1778

4.1. War at Charleston was the American's worse defeat, conducted by General Clinton.

5. Yorktown, Virginia 1781

5.1. Cornwallis' army surrendered, when being surrounded by the Virginia Militia, Washington's Continental Army and the French Navy.

5.2. Facing defeat and a double national debt, opened a peace negotiations. In the 1783 the Treaty of Paris the British acknowledged American independence.

6. The national culture

6.1. Desire to be disctictly of American Culture.

6.2. Churches broke their bounds to europe countries.

6.3. Americans gathered their common interest and they were proud of their common heritage.

7. Social Reform

7.1. Women

7.1.1. Legal rights of women were strengthen. Things like obtaining divorces, education of woman and farm management.

8. American Revolution War

8.1. In 1775 the American Revolution War began, there was colonial support.

8.1.1. Nuevo nodo

8.2. George Washington was appointed to be the commander of the Army of the Colonies, in the Second Continental Congress in May 1775.

8.3. General William Howe took command of British troops in America.

9. The Great Declaration

9.1. Two things lead to the declaration of independence: Britain's callous employment of Hessian soldiers(German soldiers and Thomas Paine's publication of Common Sense.

9.2. Finally Congress appointed a committee to draft a Declaration of Independence, the con vicious attempt to convince the world that Americans had good reasons to create a government of their own.

10. The Constitution 1777

10.1. Each state retained its essential sovereignty and was equally represented in the national congress.

10.2. States began to write their constitution even before the declaration of independence. Each state constitution had a bill of rights to protect individual liberties.