Mitosis and Meiosis

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Mitosis and Meiosis by Mind Map: Mitosis and Meiosis

1. Stem cells have all their genes switched on

2. Mitosis

2.1. makes genetically identical cells (Clones) for reproduction/growth

2.2. cells dividing

2.3. Full number in humans of chromosomes in body cells is 46

2.4. Asexual reproduction involves mitosis

3. Meiosis

3.1. chromosome copied

3.1.1. cells split into 2 daughter cells daughters split 2nd time into Haploid gametes

3.2. makes egg cells in the ovaries

4. Inheritance & genetics

4.1. genes

4.1.1. determines a characteristic of the organism

4.1.2. made up of DNA DNA contains 4 bases, shortened to A, T, C & G