Daily Life in Rome

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Daily Life in Rome by Mind Map: Daily Life in Rome

1. Food and Drink

1.1. In ancient Rome only the rich had kitchens in their houses, and most people ate in the thermopolia which was like fast food. They usually ate breads, beans, vegetables,meats and cheeses.

2. Housing

2.1. In ancient Rome the rich had very spacious houses and some even had indoor pools! The poor lived small, dark apartments. Many people lived in one apartment and rats carried disease and fire was a danger.

3. Eduaction

3.1. In Ancient Rome the poor people did not go to school, in the wealthier families the children were tutored until age 6 then the boys went to school. They learned Latin, Greek, math, science and more. They usually stayed in school till they were 12 or 13.

4. Recreation

4.1. In ancient Rome the rich people had lots of free time because the slaves did the work. So they played in plays and musicals. They also swan, bathe, and got massages in Romes public baths. They also enjoyed chariot races.

5. Country Life

5.1. In ancient Rome 90% of people lived in the country. Wealthy people usually owned big country homes. They also had big farms that produced most of Rome's crops.

6. Daily life in ancient Rome

6.1. In Rome during first century nearly 1 million people lived there. Rome was full of temples, gardens and palaces, It was a beautiful place! Except for that they had hundreds of slaves...

7. Law & order

7.1. In Rome they believed strongly in law, the emperor was the main ruler. They also had a senate too, important senators even had there own body guards!They were also very strict in crimes, the police kept on eye on everyone to prevent crime even though they had a lot of crimes.

8. Religion

8.1. In Rome religion was very important, they took some of the Greek gods and some from other cultures and even created some of there own. They built temples for the gods and sacrificed many things for the gods. The gods basically controlled their lives.

9. Family life

9.1. In roman families the father was the ruler of the family, he was expected to make the rules and provide for the family as well. If the father did not approve of a child they left it out to be claimed or die. The girls got married around ages 12 - 18.