South Asia
by K S
1. Culture
1.1. Hinduism
1.2. Buddhism
1.3. Sikhism
1.4. Taj Mahal
1.5. Caste System
2. History
2.1. Aryans
2.2. Indus Valley Civilization
2.3. Imperialism
2.3.1. British East India Company
2.3.2. Sepoy Mutiny
2.4. Gandhi
2.5. Mughals
3. Geography
3.1. Thar Desert
3.2. Highlands
3.2.1. Hindu Kush
3.2.2. Himalayas
3.3. Northern Plains
3.3.1. BIG: Brahmaputra, Indus, and Ganges Rivers
3.4. Peninsular India
3.4.1. Deccan Plateau
3.4.2. Eastern and Western Ghats
3.5. Subcontinent
4. Current Events
4.1. India vs. Pakistan
4.1.1. Kashmir