Defending North America

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Defending North America by Mind Map: Defending North America

1. Canada's Role in the Cuban Missile Crisis

1.1. FOR: Canada should have intervened with the missile crisis because they are part of the UN

1.2. FOR: Canada should have intervened because of their relationship with the USA

1.3. FOR: Canada should have listened to its people before the vote to take action

1.4. FOR: Canada would make a difference if beside the USA with the crisis, would have not been escalated as much as it was

1.5. AGAINST: Canada does not need the attention and has no need to include themselves

1.6. AGAINST: Refusing the USA would protect independence

1.7. AGAINST: The issue was largely rooted on USA affairs and Canada did not need to include themselves

1.8. AGAINST: Intervening would make Canada look like a threat

2. The Scrapping of the Avro Arrow

2.1. FOR: It was too expensive.

2.2. FOR: There was no orders and noone wanted to buy it.

2.3. FOR: If America cant build a fighter as awesome as that, neither should Canada.

2.4. FOR: Some thing the missile is the way to go instead of the jet.

2.5. AGAINST: The Avro Arrow would have been such a great innovation for Canada.

2.6. AGAINST: The Avro Arrow would have made Canada a technological leader.

2.7. AGAINST: The Russians have launched "Sputnik", And the Arrow wold be a good counter.

2.8. AGAINST: The program could have actually been completed with the cancelation fee.

3. Canada's Acceptance of Nuclear Weapons in 1963

3.1. FOR: It is Canada's responsibility as a NORAD ally to have nuclear missiles.

3.2. FOR: Nuclear weapons would help against communist aggression.

3.3. FOR: Nuclear weapons are good for Offence.

3.4. FOR: The weapons would stand as a warning to other countries that Canada is not to be messed with.

3.5. AGAINST: Nuclear weapons are a danger to us all.

3.6. AGAINST: Nuclear weapons would tell other countries that it is a threat.

3.7. AGAINST: Canada is a peaceful country and will not use a weapon of mass destruction.

3.8. AGAINST: Nuclear weapons would compromise the safety of Canadians.