2015-2016 Class Goals

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2015-2016 Class Goals by Mind Map: 2015-2016 Class Goals

1. Classmate Expectations

1.1. Be nice to each other.

1.2. Don't interrupt each other.

1.3. Raise yout hands.

1.4. Try your hardest.

2. Ms. Young's Expectations for Students

2.1. Ask Questions

2.2. Have Fun

2.3. Be Respectful

2.4. Know that you CAN do it!

3. Student Expectations for Ms. Young

3.1. Be nice and helpful.

3.2. Smile!

3.3. Free Ice Cream Thursdays!

4. Questions We Want Answered

4.1. Science

4.1.1. Why is the sky blue?

4.1.2. What is the difference between Alligators and Crocodiles?

4.1.3. Why do they say we shouldn't drink soda?

4.2. Reading/Language

4.2.1. Why are there silent letters?

4.2.2. Can we read Harry Potter?

4.3. Social Studies

4.3.1. What does the President do?

4.3.2. Where is China?

4.3.3. Why do we vote? Why can't we vote yet?

4.3.4. How many states are in the country?

4.4. Math

4.4.1. Why are 10 nickels not more than 3 quarters?

4.4.2. What are fractions?

4.4.3. What is 54673461 times 23456?

4.5. Other

4.5.1. Why do we have summers off?