Emotional Design
by Zhe Xiao
1. Emotional connection
2. Appealing (Visceral level) Grab the user's attention and influence their perception
2.1. Storytelling
2.1.1. Refining Title
2.1.2. Storytelling Image
2.2. Graphic
2.2.1. layout
2.2.2. Full screen
2.3. Motion
2.3.1. GIF
2.3.2. First landing animation
2.4. Audio
2.4.1. Background music
3. Pleasurable (Behavioral level) Allow the user to appreciate your website and have fun.
3.1. Interactive
3.1.1. Gamification
3.1.2. Q&A
3.1.3. Graph of relation
3.1.4. CUI
4. effective (Behavioral level) Guide the user's attention and make sure they find what they are looking for
4.1. Customization (Edited)
4.1.1. News
4.1.2. Timeline/Realtime
4.1.3. Social
5. Belonging; Identity(reflective level) Build a relationship with the user and ensure a positive memory of you
5.1. Interactive
5.1.1. Text comments
5.1.2. Like button
5.1.3. Vote
5.1.4. Discuss group
5.2. Branding
5.2.1. Logo
5.2.2. Slogan
5.2.3. Mascot