1. II. Bush's Gap
1.1. Preached The Conservative "Creed"
1.1.1. Small Gov't, no change etc... Look to Campaigning, Speeches, Selling himself to the people Need definition of Conservative (too bad this link is from 1988) http://proquest.umi.com.ezproxy.cul.columbia.edu/pqdweb?index=9&did=11046223&SrchMode=2&sid=2&Fmt=4&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1272057279&clientId=15403
1.2. Bush's actual Policy
1.2.1. Abortion, Gay Marriage, FISA, IRAQ
1.2.2. More of a Liberal approach Define liberal
2. IV. Why did Bush's Gap Come about?
2.1. Contradiction between political Ideals and our Institutions
2.2. Ambiguity of concept of Democracy
2.3. Test Viability of Madisonian Model
2.4. Political Corruption
2.5. Political Participation
3. V. Case Study: FISA?
3.1. Said this and that
3.1.1. In line with the Conservative "Creed"
3.2. But actually not conservative
3.2.1. Aspects of FISA= big government
4. I. Huntington Gap
4.1. Huntington's Creed
4.1.1. The American Dream (see mid-term paper)
4.2. Government policy
4.2.1. U.S.A. Not Dem, not equal, Elite in Power
5. III. Why Did the Huntington Gap Come about?
5.1. The Framers of the constitution intended it??
5.2. Breif (b/c noone cares: paper's on Bush :-)
6. VI. Conclusion: Neocon
6.1. Bush not conservative
6.2. Not Liberal either
6.3. So what was he?
6.3.1. A Neoconservative Define Neoconservative Little history Future for those who call themselves conservative?