Effective Teaching

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Effective Teaching by Mind Map: Effective Teaching

1. formal

2. Assessment strategies

2.1. informal

3. Evaluate

3.1. self

3.2. students

3.3. parents

3.4. other professionals in the learning community

3.5. colleagues

4. Characteristics of an effective teacher

4.1. Personality

4.2. Humor

4.3. Passion

4.4. Being inquisitive & creative

4.5. Flexibility


5.1. Structure

5.2. Central concepts

5.3. Tools of inquiry

5.4. How children learn and develop

5.5. motivation and behavior

5.5.1. group

5.5.2. individual

6. Plan based on

6.1. Students

6.2. community

6.3. curriculum goals

6.4. Subject matter

7. Communication

7.1. Verbal

7.2. nonverbal

7.3. media