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PKD by Mind Map: PKD

1. traveling to different planets

1.1. second variety

1.2. Remember wholesale

2. themes

2.1. What will happen in the future?

2.2. What is the next stage of evolusion?

3. government

4. Forseeing future

4.1. golden man

4.2. paycheck

4.3. minority report

5. characters

5.1. Women

5.1.1. Intros

5.1.2. never important people

5.2. New node

6. setting

6.1. Future

6.2. Post apocoliptic

6.3. New node

7. main character is always being chased and is trying to investigate why

8. evolution

8.1. will robots be the next stage of evolution

8.2. What will happen when humans are not the superior race