Comprehension Skills 1C1

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Comprehension Skills 1C1 by Mind Map: Comprehension Skills 1C1

1. Summarizing means figuring out what is really important in the text and explaining it your own words.A summary should be short.

2. Synthesising means learning from what you read and adding new ideas to what you already know.

3. New node

4. Visualising is like creating a movie in your mind while you read.

5. Questioning

6. Making connections

7. Synthesising

8. Summarizing

9. Visualising

10. Questioning helps you find information and focus your attention on what's important in the text.

11. Activating your prior knowledge means using what you already know to help you understand something.

12. inferring means figuring out something that the author doesn't actually say. You can use clues that are in the text, and things from your own mind

13. Evaluating means making a judgement about what you read and explaining why.

14. Inferring

15. Evaluating

16. Using prior knowledge