1. Population
1.1. Population Growth Rate- the rate the population is growing at.
1.2. Exponential Growth- where population starts slow and gets faster and faster.
1.3. Population Growth- how much the population had grown.
1.3.1. J-curve- when the graph starts off low and level and then increases dramatically.
1.3.2. S-curve- when the graph starts slow and gets faster and faster and then levels off.
2. Lands
2.1. Rain Forest
2.2. Temperate Deciduous Forest
2.3. Coniferous Forest
2.4. Desert
2.5. Tundra
2.6. Freshwater Biome
2.7. Marine Biome
2.8. Grassland/Savannah
3. Biodiversity
3.1. Threats
3.1.1. 1) Overexploitation- When we hunt alot of species faster than they can be replaced.
3.1.2. 2) Introduction of Exotic Species- When a new species is introduced to an unfamiliar habitat.
3.1.3. 3) Habitat Destruction- When we destroy animals homes and they then have to find somewhere else to live.
3.2. Hot Spots- Covering about 2% of land that has more species than other areas.
3.3. Types of Biodiversity
3.3.1. 1) Ecosystem- Differences in ecosystems in habitats.
3.3.2. 2) Genetic- Different genes or characteristics in a species.
3.3.3. 3) Total Number of Species- The number of different types of species.
4. Ecological Succesion
4.1. Ecological Sucession
4.1.1. A process in which communites in an ecosystem change over time.
4.2. Types of ecological Sucession
4.2.1. Primary Sucession Occurs in places where an ecosystem has never existed.
4.2.2. Secondary Sucession Process that begins in an ecosystem when something has disturbed the natural community; occurs in abandoned fields, farmlands, parking lots, etc. Stages that lead to Climax Community
4.3. Carrying Capacity- The number of individual species an ecosystem can support; because of the limiting factors, an ecosystem has a certain capacity for growth. Each ecosystem can only supprt so many organisms
4.4. Climax Community- Forms in the last stage of succession; if undisturbed it will stay.
4.5. Limiting Factors- Conditions of an enviorment that limit the growth of a species; Biotic and Abiotic factors that prevent the continuous growth of a population. Populations would continuously increase if thay had all the resources they need in unlimited amounts. Limiting factors keep the population below the carrying capacity.
4.6. Pioneer Species- Grow Fast, Small, and require few resources; establish itself at the start of succession. They die, decay and then other species push them out and continue the process.
5. Organisms
5.1. An Individual form of life, such as a plant or animal.
5.1.1. Animals Dog Giraffe Elephant Horse
5.1.2. Plants Algea Lilly Pads Duck Weed Tree
6. Levels of organization
6.1. Organism
6.1.1. An individual form of life. ex. Rabbit
6.2. Population
6.2.1. More than 1 organism or a group of organisms.
6.3. Community
6.3.1. Group of different organisms that live together and interact. ex. Plants or Animals
6.4. Ecosystem
6.4.1. Place where many communities interact. ex. Pond, Under a rock
6.5. Biome
6.5.1. Geographic area determined by climate and elevation. ex. Rainforest, Savannah, Coniferous forest, Deciduous forest, Grassland, Saltwater, Marine biome and Fresh water
7. Food Chains/Webs
7.1. Food Chain
7.1.1. A food chain is less complex than a food web, and it's a direct line.
7.2. Food Web
7.2.1. A food web shows many feeding relationships in an ecosystem.
8. Trophic Levels
8.1. Types of Food/Animals
8.1.1. Biotic- Living organisms, an organism that was living at one point or a part of something that is living.
8.1.2. Abiotic- Not living organisms, something that is not alive or will never be alive.
8.1.3. Scavenger- Feeds off of dead things.
8.1.4. Decomposer- Breaks down dying things.
8.1.5. Omnivore- Eats plants and meat.
8.1.6. Herbivore- Eats only plants.
8.1.7. Carnivore- Eats only meat.
8.2. Producer- Makes energy themselves
8.3. Consumer- Consumes energy form other organisms
8.3.1. Primary
8.3.2. Secondary
8.3.3. Tertiary
9. Water Pollution
9.1. Aquifer
9.1.1. An underground layer of rock, sediment, or soil that gives out water.
9.2. Watershed
9.2.1. An area where different lakes or rivers drain into one body of water.
9.3. Impermeable
9.3.1. To not let water pass through.
9.3.2. Impermeable Surface- A surface where water flows off or sits on the surface. Ex. Sidewalk, Parking Lot, or Driveway
9.4. StormWater Runoff
9.4.1. Rainwater that runs off surfaces into a body of water.
9.5. Point Source Pollution
9.5.1. When you know exactly where the pollution is coming from.