Epitaph Records

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Epitaph Records by Mind Map: Epitaph Records

1. Business Affairs

1.1. Label Finances

1.2. Bookkeeping

1.3. Payroll

2. A&R

2.1. signs new talent

2.2. song selection/choice of producers

2.3. acts as a liason between artist and every other department in the label.

2.4. Artist Development

2.5. oversees career planning of artists signed to the label

2.6. coordinates marketing & promotion

3. Publicity

3.1. arranges for feature stories, record reviews, and interviews

3.2. broadcast opportunities for radio/television

3.3. coordinate publicity opportunities with artists publicist.

3.4. Label Liason

3.4.1. coordinates business of major labels distribution company release dates must be approved with the labels distribution company

4. Legal

4.1. Contracts

5. Marketing

5.1. Art Department

5.2. CD/tape/vinyl cover art

5.3. trade and consumer press advertising

5.4. retail sales posters/print media

6. New Media

6.1. produces and promotes music videos

6.1.1. oversees SOME of the promotions & marketing options online that involve audio & video

6.1.2. Promotion Department secure radio airplay for the company's new releases

7. Sales Department

7.1. oversees retail opportunities of the label

7.2. concentrates on building and sustaining relationships with record stores and mass market retailers.