Rework (Table of Contents)
by Andy Breeding
1. Takedowns
1.1. Ignore the real world
1.2. Learning from mistakes is overrated
1.3. Planning is guessing
1.4. Why grow?
1.5. Workaholism
1.6. Enough with "entrepreneurs"
2. Go
2.1. Make a dent in the universe
2.2. scratch your own itch
2.3. Start making something
2.4. No time is no excuse
2.5. Draw a line in the sand
2.6. Mission statement impossible
2.7. Outside money is plan Z
2.8. You need less than you think
2.9. Start a business, not a startup
2.10. Building to flip is building to flop
2.11. Less mass
3. Progress
3.1. Embrace constraints
3.2. Build half a product, not a half-assed product
3.3. Start at the epicenter
3.4. Ignore the details early on
3.5. Making the call is making progress
3.6. Be a curator
3.7. Throw less at the problem
3.8. Focus on what won't change
3.9. Tone is in your fingers
3.10. Sell your by-products
3.11. Launch now
4. Productivity
4.1. Illusions of agreement
4.2. Reasons to quit
4.3. Interruption is the enemy of productivity
4.4. Meetings are toxic
4.5. Good enough is fine
4.6. Quick wins
4.7. Don't be a hero
4.8. Go to sleep
4.9. Long lists don't get done
4.10. make tiny decisions
5. Competitors
5.1. Don't copy
5.2. Decommoditize your product
5.3. Pick a fight
5.4. Underdo your competition
5.5. Who cares what they're doing?
6. Promotion
6.1. Welcome obscurity
6.2. Build an audience
6.3. out-teach your competition
6.4. Emulate chefs
6.5. Go behind the scenes
6.6. Nobody likes plastic flowers
6.7. Press releases are spam
6.8. Forget about the Wall Street Journal
6.9. Drug dealers get it right
6.10. Marketing is not a department
6.11. The myth of the overnight sensation
7. Hiring
7.1. Do it yourself first
7.2. Hire when it hurts
7.3. Pass on great people
7.4. Strangers at a cocktail party
7.5. Resumes are ridiculous
7.6. Years of irrelevance
7.7. Forget about formal education
7.8. Everybody works
7.9. Hire managers of one
7.10. Hire great writers
7.11. The best are everywhere
7.12. Test drive employees
8. Damage Control
8.1. Own your own bad news
8.2. Speed changes everything
8.3. How to say your sorry
8.4. Put everyone on the front lines
8.5. Take a deep breath
9. Culture
9.1. You don't create a culture
9.2. Decisions are temporary
9.3. Skip the rock stars
9.4. They're not thirteen
9.5. Send people home at 5
9.6. Don't scar on the first cut
9.7. Sound like you
9.8. Four-letter words
9.9. ASAP is poison
10. Conclusion
10.1. inspiration is perishable
11. Evolution
11.1. Say no by default
11.2. Let your customers outgrow you
11.3. Don't confuse enthusiasm with priority
11.4. Be at-home good
11.5. Don't write it down
12. First: the new reality
12.1. Today anyone can be in business