are family meals important???

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are family meals important??? by Mind Map: are family meals important???

1. support 2:Teens who eat with their families most likely wont smoke,drink,and get bad grades.

1.1. “Fast food has killed this. We are reduced to sitting alone and shoveling it in. There is no ceremony in it.”

2. Is eating together really becoming less important to the American family.

3. main idea:family meals are important.

3.1. It is better for teens to eat with their family.

3.2. Teens who eat with their families most likely wont smoke,drink,and get bad grades.

4. support 1: It is better for teens to eat with their family.

4.1. ¨79% of teens also said they enjoyed eating meals together with their family.¨ (source 2)

4.2. Teens like to eat with their family because is enjoyable.