Age With Aptitude Team C

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Age With Aptitude Team C by Mind Map: Age With Aptitude Team C

1. post session

1.1. pre event

2. When

2.1. Summertime! (August, 2015)

2.2. Day 1: Welcome + Evening tea and Snacks

3. Where

3.1. Waterloo?

3.2. U of Waterloo ($36/a night per person)

3.2.1. 20ppl*2nts*$36=$1440

3.2.2. 50ppl*2nts*$36=$3600

4. Evaluation (

4.1. Participant info

4.1.1. Age range?

4.1.2. diversity survey (optional) gender age identification visual minority person with disability

4.1.3. Can we contact you to learn more about your experience (optional)?

4.1.4. E-mail?

4.1.5. How did you hear about this event?

4.2. Goals

4.2.1. To learn new technologies to connect with family and friends How often have you used new technologies to connect with friends and family prior to the conference? How comfortable are you now using [social media] compared to before the conference? (Likert) Twitter FB E-mail Skype I will spread what I have learned with family and friends in order to stay connected

4.2.2. What new steps can you take in your life as a result of your attendance? Now? In 6 months? Further down the road?

4.2.3. To exchange knowledge and experiences across generations Statements of agreements I felt respected by my youth tech mentor I shared knowledge or experiences with youth at the conference I learned things from my youth mentor not related to technology I felt like my own knowledge and experience was valued.

4.2.4. To share the story of your life and community in the social media age What is one story you will tell to your friends or family about your experience at collaboration camp? Is their social media up to date?

4.3. Time

4.3.1. post event

4.3.2. 1 month after the event

4.4. Please select any of the words that describe your experience

4.4.1. List of wide range of adjectives (positive & negative) Draw a picture

4.5. General assessment

4.5.1. How likely would you be to recommend a second collaboration camp to a friend or colleague? (1-5)

4.5.2. Logistics (Agree statement) Travelling to the conference was inconvenient or uncomfortable Q: Where did you travel from? I found the accommodations to be comfortable and suitable for my needs. I found the food to be tasty and suitable.

4.5.3. Tell us some of the things that worked well for you about Collaboration Camp?

4.5.4. What could be improved about your experience at Collaboration Camp? Do you have any specific suggestions?

4.5.5. What do you want to learn next?

5. Who

5.1. Seniors as users

5.2. Tech pros or exp facilitators?

5.3. Youth as listeners

5.4. 65+

5.5. Senior superconnectors

5.6. U of Waterloo Students

6. What

6.1. Intergenerational Tech Conference

6.2. Learning both ways: Youth sharing tech, seniors sharing ??

6.3. Outcomes/ Projects

6.3.1. Create a website For why?

6.3.2. More seniors on social media

6.3.3. Learn code/skills For why?

6.3.4. Learn how to teach other seniors

6.3.5. Learn how to accentuate/extend existing skills (PS, flickr, etc)

6.3.6. Ways to re-connect: social media, FaceTime, Skype

7. Why

7.1. Age with attitude

7.2. To introduce and educate seniors to modern technology

7.3. To introduce and educate youth around "social technologies" for connecting (e.g. storytelling, community building)

7.4. To create social connections between youth and seniors

7.5. To share their hobbies online

7.6. To share your life stories & photos

8. collingwood