What were the social and economic impacts of ?

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What were the social and economic impacts of ? by Mind Map: What were the social and economic impacts of ?

1. Problems

1.1. Is truly one of our country's greatest tragedies.By the time the last remaining flames flickered out, the fire had claimed 300 lives and decimated four square miles- more than 200 acres- of heavily populated land.

1.2. Two and three hundred people die.

1.3. One thousand Chicagoans lost their homes, an uncounted number their places of work.

1.4. When the fire happened not a lot people die.

2. Ideas

2.1. Just the half of the city was insured.

2.2. People with money,that night they converted poor.

2.3. The half of the city will get their money back.

2.4. The state lost a lot money in property.

3. Action Points

3.1. Was too sad for everybody this disaster of 1871.

3.2. People became homeless about the disaster.

3.3. A lot buildings was destroy.

4. Goals

4.1. In 1871 Chicago fire was a disaster.

4.2. The north division suffered the most damage with 13,300 of its 13,800 buildings destroyed leaving almost 75,000 people,including the division's entire German community,homeless.

4.3. More than $200 million in property was lost.