Apply a fundemental understanding of the ethic/legal issues surroundings the access and use of in...

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Apply a fundemental understanding of the ethic/legal issues surroundings the access and use of information technologies. by Mind Map: Apply a fundemental understanding of the ethic/legal issues surroundings the access and use of information technologies.

1. PSA

1.1. Ask class what type of PSA the video was about. Ask for students opinions about what other PSAs could be created about

1.2. Have students create a skit dealing with a certain topic about kids and then they can create a video or there own PSA for other students to watch. Then the other groups can comment on their PSAs.

2. Cyberbullying

2.1. Instruction

2.2. Ask students what they have learned about cyberbullying while watching the video

2.3. Have students create a poster explaining why Cyberbulling is bad and what are the affects of being cyberbullied

3. Keeping Personal Information

3.1. Ask students for ideas on why keeping their personal information safe and not to share it with others is impornt.

3.1.1. Instruction

3.2. Demonstrate Mastery