Themed game trailer or Comic strip

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Themed game trailer or Comic strip by Mind Map: Themed game trailer or Comic strip

1. Environment

1.1. Hueco Mundo - Dimension where the Hollows (demons) live

1.1.1. Dessert Castle

1.1.2. Castle Maze

1.1.3. Ruins

1.2. Soul Society - The afterlife for good souls

1.2.1. Seireitei - Centre of soul society where the death gods live

1.2.2. Rukon District - Where the majority of the population live

1.3. Earth

1.3.1. Karakura town - Western Tokyo city

1.3.2. Gothic buildings

1.3.3. Destoyed surroundings

2. Theme

2.1. War

2.2. Fantasy

2.3. Action

3. Character style

3.1. Ulquiorra Cifer (Original)

3.2. Chibi (Small, Cute)

3.3. Released form

4. Content

4.1. Sword Battles

4.2. Explosions

4.3. Destruction of landscape

4.4. Energy rays/blasts

4.5. Power Transformations

5. Sounds

5.1. Explosions

5.2. Swords clashing

5.3. Earthquakes