Implementing Guiding Recommendations

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Implementing Guiding Recommendations by Mind Map: Implementing Guiding Recommendations

1. Curricula and Instruction

1.1. Develop curricula for understanding

1.2. Unpack the standards to articulate essential concepts and skills

1.3. Build widespread consensus around the big ideas and essential questions

2. Learning Environment

2.1. Ensure educational structures enable 21st Century Skills

2.2. Move toward flexible units of time that enable project based work

3. Leadership teams will help to ensure the environment is moving in the right direction

4. Curriculum and Instructoin is linked to professional development

5. Students learn in an innovative and professional environment fostered by the use of advanced learning meethods

6. Developing curricula for understanding enables the development of 21st century skills

7. Professional Development

7.1. Develop intensive teacher professional development that focus on 21st Century skills.

7.2. Invest in ICT (information, communication, and technologies) excellence

7.3. Develop district leadership teams to infuse 21st century skills throughout the school district.

8. Assessment

8.1. Align skill assessment with business expectations for workplace readiness.

8.2. Collect and review existing assessment tools to formulate state best practices

8.3. Develop high quality rubrics for self direction, critical thinking information literacy and other

9. Create meaningful opportunities for student demonstration of mastery

10. Professional development helps teachers integrate technology into their classrooms