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Facebook by Mind Map: Facebook

1. Derived products

1.1. Facebook Messenger(Application)

1.1.1. Emoticon

2. Popularity

2.1. reasons

2.1.1. Instant communication

2.1.2. Easy access

2.2. situation

2.2.1. how people use fb

2.2.2. HK ppl love using it

2.2.3. Ppl spend time on FB

2.2.4. age group

3. Challenges

3.1. other social media sites

3.1.1. twitter

3.1.2. weibo

3.1.3. Instagtram

4. Other benefits

4.1. Knowing more abt our world

5. main content

5.1. uploading photos/videos

5.1.1. privacy

5.2. shopping habit

5.2.1. girls/housewife

5.2.2. advertisement

6. Background information

6.1. Founder

6.2. Year of Establishment

6.3. First idea of Use

7. Social usefulness

7.1. social influences

7.2. Enhancing communication

7.3. Fostering mutual understanding

7.4. Meeting new friends

8. Technology

8.1. Function

8.1.1. Location(GPS)

8.1.2. Tag

8.1.3. Group

8.1.4. Fan page