How To Format Your Online Content

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How To Format Your Online Content by Mind Map: How To Format  Your Online Content

1. How to achieve Immediacy

1.1. by making titles very legible

1.2. by using meaningful images

1.3. by breaking up

1.4. by using inverted pyramid

2. How to increase Legibility

2.1. by using large font type

2.2. by limiting your line length

2.3. by not justifying

2.3.1. left-aligned is correct

3. How to boost Scanability

3.1. by chunking

3.2. by sectioning and titling

3.3. by spacing appropriately

3.3.1. titles and their sections go together

3.3.2. bulleted lists need spacing too

3.4. by using bold intelligently

3.4.1. links can act as bold

3.5. by using images

4. Why it is so important to format your content appropriately

4.1. Reading online is not the same as reading in print

4.2. Formatting too, communicates the quality and value of your brand

4.3. Formatting helps legibility, scanning and the overall user experience

4.4. If I can't easily read or navigate your content I will not seek more of it

5. Why reading online is NOT like reading in print

5.1. Reading devices vary greatly

5.2. From large screen desktop PCs to iPhones and smartphones

5.3. Attention and focus are different

5.4. Online reader is actively seeking

5.5. Print reader is passively browsing

5.6. Time available

6. Key Goals of Good Online Formatting

6.1. 1) Immediacy

6.2. 2) Legibility

6.3. 2) Scanability