My VISUAL/ HANDS ON Learning Style

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My VISUAL/ HANDS ON Learning Style by Mind Map: My VISUAL/ HANDS ON Learning Style

1. 41% Visual Learner

2. 35% Kinesthetic Learner

3. Introduction: So to kick things off I feel as if my choice of presentation medium describes exactly my style of learning. I have had the ability to use my hands and visual creativity to design a representation of my ability to retain information.

4. In conclusion I have a refreshed understanding of how to approach my learning style in a way that provides positive solutions for effective online learning as well as day to day improvement.

5. Three Characteristics: I think creative, observant, and methodical in my hand to eye coordination which cues my learning ability.

5.1. Observant in the sense that I notice visual indicators quickly that allow my brain to memorize those differences or indicators.

5.2. Methodical in the way my eyes determine and accept information based on importance. things that are represented in my mind become compartmentalized and I can later use my mind to recreate those visual memories.

5.3. Creative because I love to fabricate things, a simple example; I can look at piece of metal or wood and visualize it as a structural component or a wall clock.

6. Combatting Online Learning Difficulties:

6.1. Following the reading this week it has become apparent to me, outside of the box thinking in developing resources that display information to make my visual learning ability operate most efficiently. There are numerous applications and open source resources available for me to use.

6.2. Based on this weeks reading taking notes or creating visual representations to help interpret the information in the best manner. something as simple as flash cards could help.

6.3. I also understand from my reading that these "mind-maps" are extremely helpful when developing methods of memory techniques. I get to create a map and have a visual representation which will also generate creative thinking.