Public Speaking

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Public Speaking by Mind Map: Public Speaking

1. What do I Know?

1.1. The more I do it, the better I will become

1.2. Many people have a crippling fear of it

1.3. Being outgoing doesn't automatically make you a good public speaker

2. How am I going to find out?

2.1. Read and research the topic

2.2. Attend Toastmasters meetings

2.3. Speak to an Educator that specializes in this subject

3. What I want to Know?

3.1. How to get better at it

3.2. How to become an Speech Instructor

3.3. How can I use my Public Speaking skills

4. What did I Learn?

4.1. It surprisingly came easy once I got over the fear of speaking in public

4.2. Over half of our meaning may be communicated nonverbally

4.3. When you are prepared and confident, people listen to and learn from what you have to say