Does Maternal Incarceration Predict Maladaptive Behavior in their Children?

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Does Maternal Incarceration Predict Maladaptive Behavior in their Children? by Mind Map: Does Maternal Incarceration Predict Maladaptive Behavior in their Children?

1. Development

1.1. educational

1.2. emotional

1.3. psychological

1.4. social

2. Intervention

2.1. economic status

2.2. available services

2.3. welfare

3. Prevention

3.1. substance abuse

3.2. domestic violence

3.3. neglect

3.4. child abuse

4. Attachment Theory

4.1. maternal bonding

4.2. trust

4.3. security

5. Reintegration

5.1. programs

5.2. education

5.3. trade skills

5.4. job fairs

5.5. affordable housing

5.6. ongoing support from community

5.7. mandatory check ins

6. Reunification

6.1. mental health checks

6.2. wellness checks

6.3. supervised visits w children

6.4. drug screenings