1. My Personal Learning Strategy

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1. My Personal Learning Strategy by Mind Map: 1. My Personal Learning Strategy

1. 5. Conclusion

1.1. Sensing, sequential, and visual learners are 3 different strategies that I possess. With these strategies I should become successful in college. I also learned that I have some weak strategies that I could work on, so they can become my strong points too.

2. 2. Introduction

2.1. Sensing Learner

2.2. Sequential Learner

2.3. Visual Learner

3. 4. Success

3.1. My learning strategies will help me become successful in my classes because I am an active, visual, and sequential learner. With all 3 of these styles combined they will make me successful.

4. 3. Characteristics

4.1. I like doing things by following directions. I do not like surprises and I like things to be realistic.

4.2. I have to have things in order. I am very organized and I like things done in steps. It helps it to be easier and more organized.

4.3. I learn by doing things hands on. I am a strong visual learner. I can picture my notes and readings.