Web 2.0 Tools

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Web 2.0 Tools by Mind Map: Web 2.0 Tools

1. Social Platform

1.1. Google Docs-Students are able to work in groups in real time. Live editing is an option. As an educator you can check students progress immediately.

1.2. Edmodo-Allows educators to communicate directly with students and parents, assign homework, track behavior, and much more.

1.3. Twitter-Social platform where people have 140 characters to say what they feel. As an educator, students could use it to ask questions about homework or as a ticket to leave the classroom. As an administrator it could be used to stay in contact with families and update staff.

1.4. Pinterest-An online social media platform where educators can pin items to suit their need.

2. Writing Tools

2.1. Oneword.com-This site displays one word at the top of the screen for 60 seconds and you must write about this. As an educator this could be used for a journaling center.

2.2. TikaTok-Tool where you upload pictures and comment or narrate into a book. As an educator you could have students use this throughout the writing process and when finished email it to you.

2.3. Wiki Spaces-A site where you can write and make a place with information attainable to whoever you need it to be. As an administrator or educator you could use wikis as a way to create online textbooks for students or homework help pages. As an administrator you could put your handbook there or things that staff are responsible for knowing.

2.4. Edublogs.com-A blogging site where educators can blog and have access to blogs from other educators. Allows educators to write on a free service and display techniques

3. Action Points

3.1. Point 1

3.2. Point 2

3.3. Point 3

4. Presentation

4.1. Prezi-An interactive tool that can be used as an administrator when presenting information on the same token educators could use it the same way or challenge students to present on a topic.

4.2. Evernote-A virtual note-taking resource that can be used in meetings, as an administrator to ensure you're writing things down and staying organized.

4.3. Animoto-A tool that makes a video slideshow. You can upload pictures, sound clips, and music and puts it into a video. As an administrator this could be used for PD, work with new teachers, or

4.4. Slide Share- Upload a presentation and allow it to be shared. Administrators can use to share documents, teachers can use post notes for students