30 Seconds to Mars

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30 Seconds to Mars by Mind Map: 30 Seconds to Mars

1. Filme

1.1. Dallas Buyers Club

1.2. Requiem for a Dream

1.3. American Psycho

1.4. Panic Room

1.5. Lord of War

2. Shopartikel

2.1. Mars Sneakers

2.2. Mars Tiger Tank

2.3. City of Angels Tee

2.4. Miniature into the wild

2.5. Do or Die Poster

3. Bandmitglieder

3.1. Jared Leto (Gesang)

3.2. Shannon Leto (Schlagzeug)

3.3. Tomislav Miličević (Leadgittare,..)

4. Alben

4.1. 30 Seconds to Mars

4.2. A Beautiful Lie

4.3. This is War

4.4. Love Lust Faith and Dreams