Effective Learning Is like hair care: Wash, Rinse, and Repeat until the desired outcome is achieved.

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Effective Learning Is like hair care: Wash, Rinse, and Repeat until the desired outcome is achieved. by Mind Map: Effective Learning Is like hair care: Wash, Rinse, and Repeat until the desired outcome is achieved.

1. Wash

1.1. Focus Mode

1.2. Schedule a set time

1.3. Interleave

1.4. Deliberate Practice

2. Rinse

2.1. Diffuse Mode

2.2. Schedule breaks

2.3. Reward Yourself

2.4. Sleep: The morning always brings the truth.

2.5. Exercise

2.6. Breath

2.7. To avoid ruts

3. Repeat

3.1. Spaced Repetition

3.2. Practice makes permanent

3.3. Test yourself regularly

3.4. Schedule your next "Wash"