#10 - Phil 4:1-9 // Ethos of gospel community

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#10 - Phil 4:1-9 // Ethos of gospel community by Mind Map: #10 - Phil 4:1-9 // Ethos of gospel community

1. Title - Ethos of gospel Community

2. Week 1

2.1. Introduce Overview - This continues the general practical imperatives that come from a community goverened by the gospel - or as Phil 1:27 put it, live in a manner worthy of the gospel. The overriding call here is to stand firm in light of the fact that the "Therefore" in 4:1 points us to the reality of the final coming and victory of Jesus in 3:20-21. Pauls encouagement is so stand, live as citizens of heaven, don't be afraid to be the people that God has made you because ultiamtely in the end, the victory is yours.

2.2. Point 1 - Gospel in our Community breeds reconciliation (Phil 4:2-3)

2.2.1. For much of chapter 2, Paul has been talking about the practicalness of unity. But what happens when that unity is broken? What happens when we are not of the same mind, same heart, same thought? Here, two leaders are at odds (apparently) and Paul pleads with them to do what makes sense for people who have been pursued and reconciled to God - which is an impossibility before Jesus - therefore, they ought to agree in the Lord AND The church should help them to agree in the church

2.3. Point 2 - Gospel in Community provides roots for joyful living (Phil 4:4)

2.3.1. Paul again hits the them of rejoice and here he grounds it "in the Lord". Not only does he bring it up, but in the same verse he reiterates it: "again I will say rejoice". This is part of the exhortation to "stand firm" (Phil 4:1). Having laid out some of the struggles at Phil and in his own life (which they love dearly), he reminds them - rejoice! Rejoice in the Lord!

3. Week 2

3.1. Point 3 - Gospel in Community shines the "saneness" of being governed by Jesus as Lord (Phil 4:5)

3.1.1. The command is to let your reasonableness be known - to "everyone". Clearly Paul assumes that living reconciled to the Father, under the Lordship of the Son, empowered by the Spirit - will make some sense to the world that "this is what life is supposed to be like". While they may disagree with a Christians view on sin and the bible and think prayer is superstitious, they ought to look at marriages, family, how business is run, work habits and ethics, the way Christians treat others and live for others - and see a certain "reasonableness" to their living. The world should see this (I.e. "everyone"), not just the church

3.2. Point 4 - Gospel in Community invades mundane living (Phil 4:5b-7)

3.2.1. Paul again alludes back to the final victory of Jesus and his call to stand firm, and here, in light of that, Paul finds the answer to anxiety - prayer, supplication, thanksgiving. The result is peace and a guarded heart

3.3. Point 5 - Gospel in Community shapes community consciousness (Phil 4:8)

3.3.1. The command here to govern our thinking is not inpedent to the call to stand firm in light of Jesus final victory. The imperative here that in light of His death, resurrection, return, God's people should not only live a certain way, but have a certain outlook on life.

3.4. Conclusion (Phil 4:9)

3.4.1. Practice these things!!!

4. v1 Stand firm // overview

4.1. exposition

4.1.1. Therefore This points back to PHil 3:17-21 That we should imitate others and Paul,and we do this because they made it, they are following, they are standing, they are not like those that walk as enemies of the cross. Paul's point is don't do that, don't live to destrucxtion, don't let your belly be your god, don't glory in shame, don't have you mind on earth. Why do this? Well, because of verse 20 - citizenship. They were citizens. But so are we. So imitate them, Therefore ... stand! So the imperatives here is built off the indicative of the gospel - uyou have been transfered from kingdom to kingdom, live as that kingdom!

4.1.2. complement my brothers whom I love long for my joy Don't idolize people, but neither live such an independent life that you cannot say this. crown “You are the seal of my apostleship,” 1 Corinthians 9:2. “You’re the validation of my life. You’re my love. You’re my joy. You’re the proof of my ministry.” And then he closes by saying “my beloved” again. That’s rich affirmation. He says, “I love you, I love you so much I long to be with you. I long to be with you because you’re the source of my joy and you are my reward.” meaning they validate his calling! my beloved Paul speaks kindly to them, cause friends do this, they encourage each other on. If it was anothe rsituation, you might feel a bit suspicious, setting you up. You get that... they compliment you and then chop you down! Here Paul does what friends do - expresses his heart and aspiatiosn for them! These are emotional terms, eschatalogical terms, hopeful terms These are the most affectionate and personal terms Paul uses in any of his letters btw - this is a shepherd, this is a pastor - wher ethy not only love to serve them, but they just like them! what you get then is an apostle that loves these people, he shepherds them not to fleece them, but to lay down his life for them. He cares for them and what is great is that for him - the people is his joy, the poeple is his crown - "ministry" is not an abstract idea for "personal kingdom" or "personal agenda" or "personal entourage that is living on my personal soap box" - but Paul heart understands ministry as "people"! Let me just say a word here - in our day and age, is is common to see a labor of devision in the ministry - we have pastors that are "lead pastors" - vision, "preachign pastors" preach, executive pastors" - execute (plan, not people, though at tiems peoeple) But while clarity is important, pastor is a word that only shows up once int he word and it connection is to shepherding people. There's no such thing as a pastor who does not counsel, visit, pray for, love, relate. There's no such thing as a pastor who is not a people purpose but only a gifting person "I focus on my gift" - know now, yoru gift serves people, not people serve your gift! These are the leaders we want over us, leaderes that make decisions not for a plan or a goal or an agenda, but leaders that live for people. Leaders that know people, understand people, will not hide behind rules and protocol so that personal care and time is needed to work through instructions why is this important? Because the immediate imperative to follow is towards reconciliation

4.1.3. stand firm This is a reecho of 1:27 - and the admonition is related - unity and confidence in the Lord, and here the break down is this 2-5 unity 6-9 confidence in the Lord meaning It’s an imperative command, and it is a military word which means to stand your ground, stand your post in the midst of battle. That’s what it means. It means to hold your position while under attack. he call to “stand firm” refers to a soldier staying faithfully at his post no matter what happens around him. Let the enemy attack as he will, the soldier’s orders are clear: Stand firm! This command was often repeated by the Apostle Paul: 1 Corinthians 15:58, “Stand firm. Let nothing move you.” 1 Corinthians 16:13, “Stand firm in the faith.” Galatians 5:1, “Stand firm … and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Ephesians 6:11, “Take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Ephesians 6:13, “Having done everything, to stand.” Ephesians 6:14, “Stand firm … with the belt of truth buckled around your waist.” Philippians 1:27, “Stand firm in one spirit.” Colossians 4:12, “Stand firm in all the will of God.” 2 Thessalonians 2:15, “Stand firm and hold to the teachings we passed on to you.” IL: Kipling psalm 1

4.1.4. thus or so leads to rest of verses

4.1.5. Important becasue the enemies of the cross prey on unstable souls 2 Peter 2:9–15 (ESV) — 9 then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment, 10 and especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise authority. Bold and willful, they do not tremble as they blaspheme the glorious ones, 11 whereas angels, though greater in might and power, do not pronounce a blasphemous judgment against them before the Lord. 12 But these, like irrational animals, creatures of instinct, born to be caught and destroyed, blaspheming about matters of which they are ignorant, will also be destroyed in their destruction, 13 suffering wrong as the wage for their wrongdoing. They count it pleasure to revel in the daytime. They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their deceptions, while they feast with you. 14 They have eyes full of adultery, insatiable for sin. They entice unsteady souls. They have hearts trained in greed. Accursed children! 15 Forsaking the right way, they have gone astray. They have followed the way of Balaam, the son of Beor, who loved gain from wrongdoing, Jdue talks about false teachers, and how God is able to keep you from stumbling ILL :Melody = stumble ILL: Reuben - “Reuben, you are my first born, my might and the beginning of my strength, preeminent in dignity and preeminent in power.” Boy, what a statement. Reuben, you are my first born, primogenitor, the right to the inheritance. “You are my might, the beginning of my strength, you are preeminent in dignity, you are preeminent in power.” What privilege, huh? What opportunity. And then he said this: “Unstable as water, you shall not have the preeminence.” That’s sad, isn’t it? What disqualified Reuben? His spiritual what? Instability. He’s not alone, as I said. It’s not a new problem; it’s a very old problem. Reuben had unequalled privilege, unequalled potential, unequalled opportunity, and he forfeited all of it because he was as unstable as water. Specifically, what he did was commit fornication in his father’s bed, in his father’s house, with his father’s concubine – Genesis 35:22. He was a fornicator, a demonstration of spiritual instability, and he was disqualified, and his father said, “You shall not have preeminence.”

4.1.6. thus Points forward!!!

4.1.7. in the lord

4.2. Big thoughts up front

4.2.1. 1- imperatives - the themes that follow have been shared, in Phil 1-3, but here expanded or revisited. and as we have gone through them, mostly we have tried to keep the flow going to catch the full sense of the letter. Howerever, here paul gives us a chance to review and i want to slow down and really hit these home - esp if Paul took time to go over them again! The gospel mandates a new life Do you see what he’s doing? Paul cannot deal with even the smallest problem, with even the most mundane situation, without putting it in the context of all of redemptive history. He cannot do it. He will not do it. He always brings the whole of eternity and all of the sweep of theology and everything to bear on anything and on everything. Keller, T. J. (2013). The Timothy Keller Sermon Archive. New York City: Redeemer Presbyterian Church.

4.2.2. 2 - at the same time - Don't lose Jesus in these imperatives - We see this again and again in how drenched Jesus is in these imperatives - THE GOSPEL puts us in this position stand firm ... IN THE LORD v2 - agree .. in th eLord v4 rejoice ... in the Lord v5 - the Lord is at hand v6 - let your requests be made known to ... God v 7- what guards you heart? the peace of God v7 - How will that happen? In Christ Jesus v9 - God of peace ... he will be with you

4.2.3. 3 - these are not just things to do, but very much hit heart, intention, motives God digs deep into his people. Sanctificaiton is not just about behavior modification, but it's about heart transofrmation, or world view change - the rest will come!!! The gospel changes us inside out this is needed for perseverance Paul has alluded to this in chapter 1 - complete what began makes sense - paul is away, may not stay, confident he will stay, but not sure...

4.2.4. Paul is looking for stability CF: Eph - mature, not blown by every wind of doctrin CF: stable and united, so those who oppose you will be destroyed (PHil 1)

4.2.5. Verse 9 -= challenge you to do these things - be immiently practical!

4.3. Split in two here:

4.3.1. Live in light of otheres (2-5a)

4.3.2. Live in light of God (5b-8)

4.3.3. conclusion (v9)

4.4. we got to do some work here or else this will feel like a bunch of random commands tha tPaul throws together simply because it's the end of the letter, kind of like a FRANTIC parent about to leave their kids ofr the first time and gives a litany of advise - don't open the door, don't play with fire, remember to brush your teeth, feed the dog .... just random panic!

4.4.1. while it is true that one of the literary forms during that time of letter writing was to list seemlining unrelated commands without any conjunctions - which Paul often used in his letters (1 Cor, 1 Thess) - I think here the thread is more .. for it's encapsulated in the command to Stand firm (v1) and then the command to practice these things (v9)

4.4.2. as such, we need to look at what these things mean and then string them together in some coehsion if we are to understand and feel the weight of Paul's words here.

5. v2-3 UNity

5.1. Overview

5.1.1. Once again Paul hits the topic of unity, something he has delt with again and again CF: 1:1, 18a,27; 2:1-4,14,29; 3:15

5.1.2. This is the connection between gospel, living, standing firm and unity Go back to chapter 1 verse 27 – do you remember it? He says, “Conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.” In other words, live consistent with your message. “So that whether I come and see you or remain absent, I will hear that you are standing firm” – here it is – “in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the gospel.”

5.2. Exposition

5.2.1. I entreat Paul addresses each with "I entreat". Meaning it's an appeal to both. Meaning it's not a matter of clear right and wrong, but of need to get along. Paul will not take sides here, it's not a matter of right and wrong, but likely a difference of opinion "entreat" signals Priority means - ‘to call to one’s side, summon; urge, exhort; comfort, encourage , cheer up’), 2473 here signifies ‘to beg, beseech, appeal O'Brien, Peter T. (2010-04-12). The Epistle to the Philippians (The New International Greek Testament Commentary) (Kindle Locations 11810-11811). Eerdmans Publishing Co - A. Kindle Edition. sometimes used as appeal, beg, implore, urge Means more than request great usage - Acts 9:38 (ESV) — 38 Since Lydda was near Joppa, the disciples, hearing that Peter was there, sent two men to him, ***urging him, “Please come to us without delay.”

5.2.2. Euodia & Syntyche apparent leaders That paul calls them out by name means it was important public matter Say to Archippus, ‘Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord,7 that you may fulfill it’” (Col. 4:17). “For I have been informed concerning you, my brethren, by Chloe’s people, that there are quarrels among you” (1 Cor. 1:11). (See also 1 Tim. 1:20; 2 Tim. 2:17; 4:10, 14). paul does not often call out by name ex. 1 Cor 5 - no name but in cases that is safe for the body, he names names - (Alexander teh coppersmith, peter galatians, 2 Tim the ones shippwrecked) what that means is these labors iin teh gospel - they need to get along. Put on notice. Don't just preach the gospel, but live the gospel Clearly Paul wanst this to set the tone, set the example or else he would have kept this personal (i.e. Philemon) euodia - means success, synthche = Lucky (named after the goddess of fortune) church started with God-fearing women -- could these have been a part after Lydia? remember - 11 men to start a synagogue and pauls amo was to go into syangogues but the gospel is not constrained to methods - and paul goes and thre' sno synagogue there - and so he goes to the rive and there are leading woman of philippi perhaps this is them

5.2.3. agree shows up 10 times in phil what does this mean? Greek is almost the same as "be like-minded" in 2:2, ore to have the same mindset Other translations He is not saying truth does not matter In other words, Paul is appealing for a mental attitude that adopts the same basic direction as other believers, the same fundamental aim, the same orientation and priorities— that is, a gospel orientation. Carson, D. A. (1996-04-01). Basics for Believers: An Exposition of Philippians (Kindle Locations 1341-1342). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. be a stickler for the essentials - the gospel, justification by faith, the wrod of God, the glory of Christ, the good of God's poeple, the demand for holiness and the call away from sin what was the disagreement We are not sure

5.2.4. in the Lord Phrase tied to living often in phil CF: 1:14; 2:19,24; 2:29; 3:1; 4:4 Here is the tie again to citizenship, identity and our behavior so in the Lord (shaped in the character, person, work, reality of christ) _ The same jesus that was God and became man (2:6-11) same jeus that died and rose again!

5.2.5. Yes, I ask you true companion Paul is reaching out for help here "true companion" = "loyal youkefellow" - meaning you have my heart, my common mind Now, notice that term “true comrade.” Sounds a bit Communist, but it isn’t. It’s the Greek word suzugos. It is translated to “yokefellow,” somebody who carries a common load – a yoke, you know, two oxen in it, pulling the same load. A yokefellow is someone who is carrying the same load, my partner in this effort, my partner in this endeavor, my partner in this enterprise, my equal in this operation. So if you translate it – let’s say we take the word suzugos and let’s translate it and say it means yokefellow, then he adds the word “true” yokefellow or “genuine” yokefellow. Value in 3rd party This is what Jesus calls for in Matt 18 interesting in the letter to the whole church (1:1-3) Paul will address a singular person who is this person might even be a name (Syzygus) but not found anywyere in greco-roman writings Timothy who truly cared for them (2:20) Epaphroti Silas Luke not sure, but they apparently would know, and so likely this person is a prominent in the congregation cause you read this and paul's smart enough to know theywould know or else you'd have the whole congregation deciding they were Paul's yokefellow and get involved. So to be spiritually stable means that I must pursue peace, be a peacemaker. “Blessed are the peacemakers,” Jesus said. I want to pursue loving harmony in the church. I want to be a Syzygus. I want to be somebody who helps people resolve their conflict because that’s how you create a spiritually stable environment

5.2.6. Help these women meanign of help only 16 in NT and only time for Paul here means seize as in seize Jesus (Mark 14:48 Acts 1:16 John 18:12) Luke 5:7 (ESV) — 7 They signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink.

5.2.7. labored side by side w/me in the gospel shows they were important a metaphor for athletics We were on the same team! Competeing together side by side shows they were mature people Even mature people can struggle with relationships. ... i.e. Paul and Baranabas shows they were focus on the right things in life shows the inconsistency If you labor for the gospel, then you have to live the gospel, and that means reconciliation pure male chauvinism to bleieve this is about two woman and something personal. Clearly there's a leadership issue here.

5.2.8. Clement and the rest of my fellow workers Unknown, likely highly respected in Phil the rest - luke, timoty- crew from 2nd missionary journy?

5.2.9. names are in the book of life Used to rep those who have suffered and will be honored (Dan 12:1; Rev 3:5; Isa 4;3; Luke 10:20) this is the ultimate reason to think like minded!!! Our future, our destiny is tied together!!! It is both towards the women, and clement, but also "the rest of my fellow workers" - who though unamed in this letter, the names are written in the book of life. Whose names are in the book of life The book of life is the roll of the righteous, who are predestinated to life, as in the writings of Moses. (Exodus 32:32.) God has this roll beside himself in safekeeping. Hence the book is nothing else than His eternal counsel, fixed in His own breast. In place of this term, Ezekiel employs this expression — the writing of the house of Israel. With the same view it is said in -- Calvin

5.3. outline

5.3.1. Christians can struggle with each other

5.3.2. Maturity is not always a shield against relational strife

5.3.3. Ministry is breeding ground for hurt feelings and disagreements

5.3.4. It's not just about infliction of pain (persecution), but disunity see the contrast - outside those stand against. The failure here is not that they stand against each other (we dont know that) but that they simply wont' stand with each other APPLI!!!!

5.3.5. Arbritration in relationship is part of the benefit of community Humility is needed for this

5.3.6. involve a mature person "true comrade"

5.3.7. Reconciliation is a community concern Paul is urging this true componaion to get involved

5.3.8. Unity at the highest level is important families will fall apart if mom and dad are not united

5.3.9. IN christ = Jesus is greater than all those things, and identity is what matters

5.3.10. It's possible to help oeple outo fthe mud without getting in the mud note that paul does not describe the issue. we have no details. We want the details. We want the juicy what, when, where, how. We want it for study right? for prayer right? To really feelt he conflict. Prehaps, but if we are honest, a lot of times we want it because we love to be in the mud! Oh to have friends you can say "I can't tell you more, just know I'm having a hard time and I need you to pray for me". We good with that? Authentic? Do we believe that's authentic?

5.3.11. How we do the gospel is as important as what is the gospel Paul is not tehological but relational in his correciton because it matters

5.3.12. you don't need to oknow the details

5.4. Application

5.4.1. 1 - ministry is a hard place to get along We see this. Paul knows this. The disciples demonstrates this. Truth - the more that is at stake, the hard the battles can become and the more we need to be of the same mind, same love, full accord, one mind, no selfish ambition, humility, others better, interest of others! (Phil 2:1-4)

5.4.2. stand firm in the Lord means fighting for aour unity BTW - so easy to see this individually!! But Paul is concerned about the community of God! Stand firm here is an exhortation to endeavor to not let thigns split the church apart Eph - endeavor!! it's an endeavor! God's community is a community of constant reconciliation. It's not a community of no conflict. But one of reconcilation Matt 5 - leave your gift Matt 18 - go!!!

6. v4 rejoice

7. v5 reasonableness

8. overview

8.1. strucxture

8.1.1. 4-7 provides 4 admonitions: rejoice let your gentleness be evident do not be anxious present your requests to God

9. Illustration

10. Trans

11. Outline

11.1. Big pciture - it's about Jesus - "IN THE LORD"

11.2. Practical

11.2.1. stable relationships with others

11.2.2. stable internals with God

12. The lord is near

13. Overview

13.1. asyndeton - no connectors

13.1.1. like Romans 12:9-21

13.2. connection

13.2.1. Have a great valentines day - eat great food, kiss your wife, avoid the traffic